
The Century of the Holy Spirit: 100 Years of Pentecostal and Charismatic Renewal, 1901–2001 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Details the miraculous story of Pentecostal/Charismatic growth—in the U.S. and around the world; five chapters by the premier Pentecostal historian, Vinson Synan. Additional contributions by leading Pentecostal/Charismatic authorities—David Barrett, David Daniels, David Edwin Harrell Jr., Peter Hocken, Sue Hyatt, Gary McGee, and Ted Olsen. Analyzes the role of all major streams, including...

Boardman, the Keswick teachers soon changed the goal and content of the “second blessing” from the Wesleyan emphasis on “heart purity” to that of an “enduement of spiritual power for service.” D. L. Moody was a leading evangelist associated with the Keswick movement. ———————————————————— Dorries, David The Regents Square Presbyterian Church ———————————————————— Thus, by the time of the Pentecostal outbreak in America in 1901, there had been at least a century of movements emphasizing a second blessing
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